An audiovisual puppet performance for the whole family about the fragility of nature, human responsibility and a hopeful sustainable future.
SVEV is a puppet show about the existential questions, told nonverbally with objects in poetic and visual images. The performance deals with extremes in life and in nature. Will the cycle of nature survive the stupidity of mankind? Does nature have its own holy glory that will always survive human destructivity - which destroys beauty of the planet? Will the eternal cycle of nature defeat man's industrial and technological development?
We live on a beautiful little planet. It seemed so big and unassailable, but now we see that the world is really small - and fragile. We see that human activity affects the climate in such a way that both nature and humans will feel the consequences of it. People who live today will probably not experience the big change, but our children will have to face heavy realities. In a world where our leaders do not dare to approach climate and nature problems in a realistic way, we must all take responsibility and engage in the cause to save the world.

Contributing Cast:
Directed by Steinar Thorsen
Actors: Jorunn Lullau and Jan Holden
Composer: Gard Frostad Knudstad
Set design: Jan Holden
Puppets: Jan Holden
Vide and photo: Marit Espeland
Costumes: Marte Synnevåg
Manus: Company 13
Photo: Janneche Strønen
Producer: Millan Persson
Age: 0-4 years
Duration: 30 minutes
Supported in collaboration with:
The Bergen International Festival
Not touring anymore.